March 18, 2017 at 12:44 am #1826
InactiveSometimes while playing, the audio seems to respond to me, or there’s a humorous sequence of audio clips. Feel free to share your experiences here!
March 18, 2017 at 12:45 am #1827
InactiveWhen a Gold Bag drops and I say, “Thanks, Jack!” and he replies, “You’re Welcome.”
March 18, 2017 at 12:46 am #1828
InactiveWhen I’ve been playing so long that my phone starts to heat up and when I blow on it, (Alan Tudyk?) says, “Oooooooo!”
March 18, 2017 at 12:47 am #1829
InactiveWhen I assign a temp to clean the toilets and she says, “Who the hell made this mess?” and a breathy voice replies, “Wray Nerely.”
May 7, 2017 at 5:43 am #1962
InactiveYou can’t upload images, so I guess I’ll see how this works w/ Imgur
In binary, the stone says “RIP” (plus I find the “aw shucks” look funny 😛 )
The game is rally glitchy today, and it gave me this interesting mess (squashed bugs, they all froze in place)
Only really saw this once 😛 Maybe I have enough used fish booths
Tandum puking, and the cleaning gal is all, “that’s nice…”
May 7, 2017 at 8:01 pm #1969
InactiveLove the photos, Demonpoofball!! I get bottleneck at my booths sometimes, too. I’ve tried rotating the booth several times to get people through, but always end up just shutting down and restarting the game. Oh, and yesterday, I rotated a booth by mistake while selling hats to con-goers, and inadvertently positioned it so a buff was blocking the entrance. Killed three before I noticed it 🙁 I’ve moved the buff over so it won’t happen again!
May 7, 2017 at 8:40 pm #1973
InactiveThose are great pics, Demonpoofball! Yeah, I get the bunchings of con-goers too, but I like it, becuase it makes it really easy to get a lot of XP when Jerry has his shipment of ‘colorful hats’.
June 28, 2017 at 7:27 am #2097
August 12, 2017 at 8:11 pm #2200
InactiveQuick question- Jack is walking around my con 24/7 , I can’t hire him as a VIP and I haven’t been attacked by aliens, had Nudy Judy, or the sick kid in a month. All I’ve been able to do is empty trash cans. None of my toilets have even broken.
Is there a way to get him to leave my con so some of the exciting stuff starts to happen again? I’m just unable to do anything and I’m not even sure if Jack walking around correlates to lack of action in the game, but I just want incidents to start happening again.
January 25, 2018 at 9:08 pm #2320
InactiveI’m experiencing the same thing . For the past week nothing is happening. No attacks, no con crud, no nudie Judy, no Jack Moore visits and no tips from Karen. I also noticed that Jack Moore seems to be walking around my con and trying to click on him does nothing. It seems to have started after 2 days of getting a “game cannot be played at this time” message and after I got Jerry’s signed Mo cap suit. Some other issues I’ve been having since update include Wray’s booth has not sold a single autograph since the update. No matter how many guards I hire (35) not one has counted towards the Frisk 3 Con goers mission. Karen’s tips are randomly counted for the mission no matter if I click on her or not. The Loot Store shows me needing collectibles that I already have. When Jack Moore would visit he just stands still and doesn’t move or when he does move, it’s with 2-3 seconds left and he goes in the direction with the fewest con goers. Sadly, if I can’t get the Leaf on the Wind poster or the signed Brownish Jacket there’s really no reason to keep playing
February 3, 2018 at 7:17 am #2326
InactiveHey Captntight,
I’m a Beta Player and have sent in comments regarding the Frisk 3 Con Goers Mission, and the fact that Karen’s Tips are the only way to complete the Find a Visitor’s Friend and Find Pills missions. I’ve also purchased Collectibles that are not showing up in my Office, and have sent that info in too. Hoping this will be fixed with the next update!
I’ve found that if I pause a few seconds before clicking on the security guard to escort Jack, he’s less likely to hold Jack against the wall. There’s really no way to predict which way Jack will walk, so I’ve positioned my Wray Booth where Jack will enter, and wait till towards the end of the party to click on the security guard to ensure Jack pops in while the most people are there.
Bummer about Jack hanging around and keeping everyone else away. That hasn’t happened to me, but I do have a problem with Promoters not completing their assignments. I’ve found that if I refresh the game (on Facebook) or close and reopen the game (on my phone) the assignment will show as completed. Perhaps refreshing or closing and opening a few times would clear Jack? Hope you hold on till the next update!
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